Spring has arrived here in Michiana! With the on set of spring we have been keeping very busy. This photo is just a few of the many beautiful flowers that have came to life in our yard in the past two weeks. We have been enjoying them both inside and outside. I was able to till the garden by myself last week using our new tiller. It was great! I was able to get the whole garden tilled in about 1 1/2 hours and it did a great job. I also planted my peas, carrots, potatoes and onions.
The girls are also keeping us busy. Addie is loving the weather. She is rarely in the house any more. She spends most of her day outside riding her bike or swinging. Since both of those activities are done in our front yard her neighborhood friends come by daily to join her in the fun.
Margaret is growing nonstop! At her doctor's appointment on Tuesday she weighed in at 15 lbs 10 ozs, 24 inches tall. She is in the 90th percentile for weight! Her appointment on Tuesday at the Cincinnati's children's hospital went really well. We were able to learn more about the type of tumor she had and the surgeon also checked out her leg to see if it was healing properly. The surgeon we met felt like her leg was healing very well from the surgery and felt like there would be no complications for her. I had asked him to to tell me about the type of tumor she had because I could not find information online about it. He explained to us (me and Peggy) that congenital hemangiomas are a fairly "new" and extremely rare. They only gave these types of tumors a name about 5 years ago and they are currently working on their first research project to learn more about them. He stated that of the 3% of babies born with infantial hemangiomas only 2% of them are congenital hemaniomas. Margaret really hit the winning lotto number with this one! Here is the only info I have on it and I just quoted the info they gave us at the hospital.
"Rarely, hemangiomas are fully grown at birth and do not increase in size (
illustration 11). These tumors are called congenital hemangiomas. Unlike hemangiomas of infancy, congenital hemangiomas either involute rapidly or not at all. Rapidly involuting congenital hemangiomas are referred to as RICH. Non-involuting congenital hemangiomas are referred to as NICH."
Margaret has a follow up appointment in 6 months with probably only one more appointment in another 6 months after that. Then if everything seems to be going good for her they will only need to see her back if she has any related health problems.
On Tuesday when we went to the appointment it was a beautiful sunny day and Peggy and I had a great trip to Cincinnati and the way home was going great until we stopped in Indy for dinner. When I went to take Margaret from Peggy Margaret when to reach for my hair and missed. Her little figure went straight into my left eye! To make a long story short... I ended up going to Jasper county hospital that night to the ER. She did give me a wide scratch on the cornea. Three days later I'm finally seeing correctly and my eye is not constantly throbbing.
Things are going very good for us right now and we feel very blessed with the outcome of Margaret's health problems. Thank you to all of you who have been praying for her recovery. God has answered all of our prayers!