Addie is the super star of our house at the moment! During her first game she made a goal and was the "player of the week" from her team (Green Butterflies). Then she scored 3 goals during the next game! She is really good at soccer and is LOVING every minute of it. We have some fun video of her first game/ practice that we will have to edit down and add to the blog when we get a chance.
At school she was the "student of the week" last week also! She is loving all day school. In fact, everyday when Michael comes home she does this little chant thing saying "All day kindergarten, all day school". And to top it off, today is her 5th birthday. She took to school today, cupcakes her and her best friend decorated yesterday.
Margaret is a super star in her own right too. She is starting to crawl, but only when she is really motivated. For the most part she is content to just sit watch everything around her. Today she also stood on her own for a good 5 seconds . It was really cute because she didn't realize that she was holding onto two toys and not my hands at first. When she did realize I was not helping her, she decided to sit down carefully. I have some adorable video of Margaret playing that we will edit down add too.
We hope that everyone is safe and sound and not flooded. I'm just thankful that we our house is up high on top of the ravine since it is still raining for the 4th day straight.