Some of the happenings... Addie finished Kindergarten and we celebrated by going taking pizza to the beach one night for dinner. She went to a couple summer camps and is enjoying a lot of time with friends. Both the girls enjoy our Wednesday routine of going to story hour and then the brown bag concert at the local band shell. We have made it to the beach a couple times as well.
Michael finished the chicken coop and it looks great! The chickens love it too. He has started working on the fence to go around the garden but that project will be on hold until his thumb heals (he got it with the saw a week ago).
I'm busy in the garden and preserving all the local fruits and veggies we can get. Margaret is growing up to fast for me! She is changing every day.
It's hard to believe that it is already mid July here because we have only hit the low 80's a couple days this year. For the most part we have been wearing long pants! I'm not complaining about the weather, but it just doesn't feel like summer when we are still having spring weather. That is all that is new that I can think of. Maybe now that the roof is done things will slow down a tad and I can keep the blog updated more often!