After my appointment I decided that I need to scratch my plans for the day and just relax. Thank goodness it was an absolutely beautiful fall day. After lunch Addie and I got the hammock out and literally spent our entire afternoon in the hammock. We both caught up on sleep and then I enjoyed a couple hours of daydreaming under my beautiful canopy of trees while Addie slept some more.
While I was taking the time to analyze all the branches and leaves in the tree I noticed a bird's nest about 100 feet straight above us. It was no ordinary nest. I had to laugh in amazement. The stories I have been telling Addie are true. I give her pieces of butcher twine to tie to sticks for a cat toy. Her and Brownie (our outside cat) love to play with the twine on the sticks but they always disappear about 3-4 days. She has went through countless toys and is always upset when they get lost. To comfort her I tell her that a bird must have needed the string for their nest. They just picked at the string until it came off and then they flew it way up high to the nest they are making for their babies. It never really comforted her but it did get her to move on to something else.
Looking up at the nest I could see a piece of butcher twine in the nest and then it hung down about 10 inches. Hanging off the end of the twine was her stick. The stick was just dangling in the wind like it is not quite ready to admit that it is not apart of the tree. As I looked and laughed I realized that God must have a good sense of humor when he lets a cat toy become a permanent part of a bird's nest. (The photo below is of the nest)
After our relaxing afternoon all three of us rushed off to the circus! Okay, it really was just the library but they had a wonderful children's program on the circus. Addie loved the circus books. Her and her friend had to sit right in front of the librarian. No one could be between them. It was like they had been sucked up into the book and was in their own world. After the books they had the chance to "practice" being in the circus and play circus games. As the other kids ran off to get prizes from the games Addie and her friend where running over to the face painting table. Addie became a clown and her friend became a lion. After that they started practicing all their circus acts. They had a great time. They finally decided to try the games but where really not that into it. It was a very fun time for all of us. I would even say that it might be one of the funnest circuses that we will go to as a family.
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