Christmas break is over for Addie. Yesterday was a sad day for her since she had decided that break was to short. I think she would have been fine with going back to school if the day didn't start until about 10am! She loves to get up around 7am and get in our bed and go back to sleep for another couple hours. Of course, Michael had to go back to work also so that made it a little easier on her as well. She really enjoyed her daddy time over the four day weekend.
Margaret is growing and changing so fast. Yesterday she started calling her little friend by his name, Carter. It is sooo cute to hear her say "Hi Carter!" and wave to him at the same time. She is enjoying having Carter around in the mornings again. He plays at her age level and she loves it. It is hard to believe that a week from today she will turn 1 years old! Time has flown by fast.
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