Addie is turning into quite the soccer star. She finished up the spring season with some nice weather (for a change), and we got her signed up for the fall.
Emily has talked about wanting to raise chickens for quite some time. We finally took the plunge. With the garden getting in shape, we'll have a good place for the coup and pen. The girls (all three) are positively giddy about the chickens, who are camping out in the back yard until the coup is done.
The hens are about 2 months old. In a coule more, they'll start producing.
A very good month.
Emily has talked about wanting to raise chickens for quite some time. We finally took the plunge. With the garden getting in shape, we'll have a good place for the coup and pen. The girls (all three) are positively giddy about the chickens, who are camping out in the back yard until the coup is done.
The hens are about 2 months old. In a coule more, they'll start producing.
I started their pen this weekend. The 'shelf' on the right is the roost, and the nesting box will go below it. We used scraps and samples from the bathroom floor to cover the floor of the coup.
As, I mentioned, the garden is shaping up. 8 of the 9 beds are in, and we're holding off on the last one since it was already planted.
Last, but not least, we have grass in the front yard! What was quickly becoming a dust bowl, is looking more and more like lawn every day.
A very good month.
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