Friday, January 30, 2009

And the Snow Keeps Coming...

And coming, and coming... I had no clue just how much snow we would get when we moved here. At this point we are having issues with getting through our driveway because the snow just keeps filling back in. The deer are even having lots of problems getting through the snow. They no longer run from us since they can barely dredge their way through the deep snow. They are also starting to come right up to the houses looking for food. I'm actually starting to feel really sorry for my garden thieves!

Here is a photo of Margaret's mouth. It's hard to see them all, but she has six teeth coming in all at once. The poor girl has been a real trooper. The last time she let me look into her mouth I could see two of them have poked all the way through the her gums. Her teething has taken a toll on all of us. Hopefully she will start sleeping through the night again soon. We all could use some sleep.

Margaret still loves her food. However, she has now decided that it is fun to put her food in her hair by the bowl full! Oh yes, this does mean multiple hair washings a day for her. I'm sure this phase will pass soon.

Addie is keeping us busy. She is doing really good with her school work. Every evening she brings home a different reader from school and we practice together reading. At the moment her love of school has taken a back seat to her school play. She has 12 lines and is in at least 5 songs. She has play practice after school 4 days a week and is loves every day of it. Her play is on Feb. 21st so check back then for photos and maybe even a video clip.

Addie has been spending lots of time out in the snow when it has been warm enough. Speaking of Addie, it's time for me to go pick her up from school. We hope that everyone is staying warm and safe this winter!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Margaret!

Today is Margaret's first birthday. We actually started celebrating the big day on Sunday with a party in Indiana with family. Everyone enjoyed themselves including the birthday girl. She finished the celebrating today with a small celebration, but was treated like a princess all day by her loving sister and friends. To see LOTS more photos of Margaret's birthday check out Flickr!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Masterpiece Puppet Theater

As luck would have it, Santa brought the girls each a 'special present' at the house. Addie was a bit perplexed by the puppet theater at first, but once she got inside, she was hooked. It wasn't very long before Marg and I were watching Addie's short productions and needing to 'sign up for the next show' (Addie's idea).

So far, I've seen The Pig in Town, Where are all the People?, and The Hopping Bunny. Emily was presented the original production of A Pig Jumping in the Mud. Too cute.

Margaret got a wooden doll pram (stroller). At first she tried to use it as a walker, but found that she couldn't put so much weight on it. Her walking gets better and better by the hour. On Monday, sh walked from the dinning table to Addie's bedroom nightstand, by herself, with no help, and without falling down. It's getting tough to keep up.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Break is Over!

Christmas break is over for Addie. Yesterday was a sad day for her since she had decided that break was to short. I think she would have been fine with going back to school if the day didn't start until about 10am! She loves to get up around 7am and get in our bed and go back to sleep for another couple hours. Of course, Michael had to go back to work also so that made it a little easier on her as well. She really enjoyed her daddy time over the four day weekend.

Margaret is growing and changing so fast. Yesterday she started calling her little friend by his name, Carter. It is sooo cute to hear her say "Hi Carter!" and wave to him at the same time. She is enjoying having Carter around in the mornings again. He plays at her age level and she loves it. It is hard to believe that a week from today she will turn 1 years old! Time has flown by fast.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year

They both took an unbelievable amount of coaching to get a good picture. There's a ton more on the Flickr page.

Margaret was quite content hanging out with Grandpa Breymeyer. They discovered that pretzel sticks are great for teething.

Margaret enjoyed her first Christmas, and even started helping unwrap presents by the end of it.

I'll get a look for putting this up here, but Emily was absolutely radiant.

It was a very busy Christmas, but we all had a great time and enjoyed seeing so many family and friends. New Year's will be a bit quieter here, followed by a special family brunch and 4 days of work on the bathroom project!
