Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Week 32

We are at week 32 of the pregnancy now. It's hard to believe that we will be welcoming home our new baby girl in less then 2 months! The time has flown by so fast. I've been working hard to try to get more stuff ready before the baby gets here. Just today I sewed 10 diaper inserts for the cloth diapers. I've also ordered diaper covers and am looking into who has the best price for the newborn sized prefolds I was going to try. With Michael's help we hung a wall organizer thing on the wall by the changing table. I've started to fill it with diapers and wipes. Things are coming together and I'm sure by the time she gets here we will have everything ready. I just find it amazing how prepared I was with Addie and now I'm so busy with Addie that I've put off getting ready for the second child.

Addie had her Big Sister class at the hospital on Sunday. She was so excited about going to the class. Well, we got there and she asked if the baby was leaving mommy's tummy then. We had to break her heart. I'm still not sure where that thought came from but it was there. She enjoyed the class and hopefully will be a little bit more prepared to see us in the hospital and also life at home with a newborn. The most interesting part of the night was when we where walking through the lobby of the hospital to leave Addie asked Michael if we would have to pay the hospital for Margaret. Wow! Only Michael and I's child when be thinking about how much this will cost us :) Michael nicely said us we will have to pay the hospital and then asked her which chair she liked because we are helping to pay for those nice brand new chairs.

Monday I had a baby appointment. Everything went well. Heart beat was strong, right amount of weight gain, and belly not as big as "normal" but the doctor thinks that is because I'm tall so I have more space to spread it out vertically. Thank goodness for that! My poor back could not handle any more stress.

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