The next morning she woke up way to early for Michael and I. She came into our room and asked if she could sleep with us. We agreed, but she had to go get something from her room first. When she walked back into her room she looked out the window and saw the snow. Our sleep was over then. It was like Christmas morning. She came running into our room and threw open our curtains while yelling "It snowed! It snowed! Hurry look, I need my snow pants and coat!". Then she came to my side of the bed and proceeded to try to drag me out of bed. I went ahead and got out of bed so that Michael could sleep a little longer but it was to late he was wide awake from all the excitement also.
Unlike our dogs, Addie could not wait to go outside. We had to force her to eat her breakfast and get dressed. She just wanted to put her snow gear on over her PJs. Once her and Michael finally made it outside she had a blast. First they had a snowball fight. Then they moved on to making a snowman that was Addie's size.
After they finished the snowman Michael started to work on some outside stuff he needed to get done while Addie continued to play in the snow. Before we knew it she had four huge snowballs all rolled and ready for daddy to lift into place. She had decided that the first snowman was her and she needed to make a mommy, daddy and baby Margaret. So in no time she had made a snowman family by herself (except for the lifting part).
She had so much fun on Sunday. She only came in for lunch because we made her and then she went straight back outside and stayed out in the snow until 4pm. It did not bother her one bit to be soaking wet and cold.
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