This past week Michael did go back to work after taking a week off to be home with us girls. The girls and I where starting to get used to being home just the three of us (+ the dogs!). However, Addie only had school on Monday so we did not have to try our school routine yet. We all survived and things where starting to seem more like normal. I even broke out my sling and Mei Tia carriers for Margaret. She did not really take to the sling but loved the Mei Tia. In the photo I have her facing me which she is not to happy about but she loves it when she faces out and can see everything. She even sleeps better that way then facing in. Kind of odd for a newborn but if it works I'll take it!
Thursday night Addie started to complain about little aches and pains. Friday the same thing, head hurts, tummy hurts, legs, etc all at different times. But no fever... until the middle of the night Friday when she woke up with a fever over 102 degrees. Poor girl was sick all weekend. Her fever finally broke this afternoon and she seems to be on the road to recovery. Hopefully so because I don't think that she can take much more of this laying down, staying away from sister, no school Monday thing. One would think that it's the end of the world or close to it. But I have to disagree with that thought since we all survived two sleepless nights in a row taking care of a newborn every 2 or so hours and her sick older sister who never slept and would need us right after we would go back to sleep from helping Margaret. Oh the joys of parenthood :) But for some strange reason neither of us would trade it for the world.
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