I know that it has been a while since I've last posted an update but life has been kind of crazy around our house lately. Addie is feeling much better. Being sick was the worst thing to her. As soon as she was well enough to go to school we where hit once again with lots of snow so then she missed another two days of school. In the end she had only went to school 3 days in the past three weeks. The feeling of winter house blues was really hitting Addie hard. This week she has had school and we also went to story hour at the library which has helped her to regain her sanity. As soon as Addie started to feel better Michael got sick (of course!) so that made things interesting around here. But he is feeling better now also. Thank goodness Margaret and I never got sick!

Yesterday Margaret had a baby check up appointment. She weighed in at 8lbs 9ozs. That means that since her last check up she has gained 1oz a day! The doctor was impressed with her weight gain which has climbed at a good pace putting her back on track weight wise. The doctor was also very impressed with how strong Margaret is. She does a great job holding her head up and and is very alert for being 3 1/2 weeks old.

Along with the normal life stuff keeping us busy we have started to work on the basement. The plan is to paint the large room's walls this weekend and finish cleaning the floors. Then we will be able to start setting up the play space for the girls. Having all these snow days lately has really pushed us to get this done so Addie has more room to run! I've included several photos in this post but to see more photos feel free to go to our flickr page (see link on upper, right side of the main page, listed as "
Family Photo Album").

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