On Monday Addie was the line leader, show n' tell, snack bringer girl for the day. She decided that she wanted to bring her baby Margaret doll to school. She was so cute about it. Right before she left for school she started to have second thoughts because she was afraid that her baby might get hurt. I reassured her that Mrs. Grundy would not let anyone hurt her doll. When I picked her up after school the first thing Addie said was the Mrs. Grundy helped protect baby Margaret and told me all about it. She is so excited about being a big sister and she still loves to share the news in any way she can.
Tuesday and Wednesday Addie and I spent a lot of time in the yard racking leaves. They where very thick and hard to rack since they where wet but we had to get them up now if we wanted to have them racked this year. We managed to get them all racked by Wednesday evening. After Michael got home he and a neighbor moved all the piles to the ravine. It took them a good 2+ hours just to move them to the ravine on a large tarp. Wednesday night we also had an electrician come over to run wires for the new dryer cabinet in the basement.
Thursday Addie has her music class and then her neighbor friend spent the day playing at our house. Addie just loves her music class and does a great job with it. It is so neat to see her really get into something like that.
This weekend came up fast on us! Michael and Addie finished winterizing outside stuff and put the reflectors out along the driveway. After that they hung outside Christmas lights. That took up most of the day. After Church on Sunday Addie and Michael got busy building the cabinet shell for the dryer cabinet to set it. I spent most of my weekend washing baby clothes, bedding and diapers. Having the dryer cabinet functioning was a huge help. We also went to Lowes to get parts for the cabinet. I did my usual dream shopping of window coverings. Much to my surprise they had well over half of their drapery rods and hardware on clearance for 75% off! We where able to get beautiful rods for the huge windows in the living room and dining room along with a pair for our bedroom. Yes, I'm kissing those nasty old curtains goodbye! The best part was that while we where looking at the rods the lady working in that section asked us if we would be interested in this rod she had by her. It was one for a large (144" wide) window. One of the finials was damaged so she was trying to get rid of it for $2.00!!! It was originally $45 and was the perfect style for the living room. We could not believe our luck with that deal. So next weekend I'm hitting JoAnn's 50% off sale on home decor fabric and we will have some nice new window coverings.
1 comment:
I love the way the ribbons and angel look :)
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