Tis the Season...
for loving our Lord
for being to busy
for holiday gatherings
for preparing for the birth of our own child
Maybe I can be a little bit to optimistic at times but I really thought that things would be slowing down this month. I could not have been more wrong! It seems like we are just as busy but just with different things going on. We have however made a very concious effort to keep Advent at the center of our lives. Every evening after dinner we sit down as a family and do an Advent learning activity. Addie loves it and has been really getting into it. She loves bring out the pieces of her nativity set one at a time and learning the full story of Advent.
Addie and I also had a lot of fun on Dec. 6th which is St. Nicholas's feast day. We read books about him and the great things he did. Then we made 4 dozen cookies together and gave them out to elderly neighbors, our priest, the nuns, and a lady from our Church who is a recently widowed shut-in. Addie had a great time handing out cookies and also understood why we gave to those people and not just our friends. She understood that St. Nicholas gave to those in need and that is what we should do also. She had a lot of questions about widow we visited but in the end she saw why it was important for us to visit with her and even go back again in the near future to give her some companionship.
It was actually a really busy week for Addie! She had her first dentist appointment on Tuesday. She really enjoyed learning about all the tools they used and what they do to clean your teeth. She asked lots of questions and hygienist thought that she was at least 5 or 6 years old because of her questions and the great job she has been doing cleaning her own teeth. Of course she had no cavities and her teeth looked great.
This past week they had two different Christmas programs at the library. Addie was able to go to them both. One was a dramatic reading of the Grinch by the local theater group. She really got into it. She could hardly sit still during the program. Then on Saturday morning she went back for a Frosty Winter activity. They read about Frosty then each child was able to create their own winter wonderland scene out of food. Michael took Addie to this one so that I could work on her Christmas presents. They both had a great time together.
I finished washing baby stuff this week. I also was busy finishing up my baby sewing projects. I had a few more diaper covers to finish. The only thing left to sew is some diaper pail bags and wetbags. I also have everything set up accept for the swing (goes where the Christmas tree is) and putting the car seats in the car. With only 4 weeks left I'm trying to get prepared!
Saturday afternoon Michael and I went to Shipshiwanna while Addie stayed with the babysitter. It was nice to have some alone time before the baby arrives. We where able to stock up on two months worth of meat and bulk foods. As well as eat a wonderful dinner out on the town. It was a great way to slow down and enjoy some time together.