After the party the three of us went downtown for lunch and enjoyed a nice walk ducking into shops every now and then. In downtown they always have "street art". This winter they had snowmen. This is a photo of one of them. Addie loved checking out all the different snowmen and their costumes.
After all that fun Addie's day was not done. Mom took her to see the new Alvin and the Chimpmunk's movie. Addie LOVED it. According to mom she laughed and giggled louder then she had ever heard her. People in front of them even turned around to see who was laughing so loud! Mom and Addie spent several hours out on the town having fun while I was able to get a few projects down around the house like wrap gifts and make some dog chamoises people had ordered. Here are the custom chamoises I made.
Once Michael got home from work the two of us where able to go out to a really nice dinner for our anniversary. We enjoyed a two hour meal that helped both of us unwind from a busy week. It has been a wonderful 5 years of marriage and I look forward to many more! Thank you to everyone who sent us anniversary cards. It's always nice to know people remember you on such a special day.
Saturday Addie sadly said good-bye to grammy. By about 2pm she was complaining about missing her grammy. However she quit complaining when she found out that she was going to get to go ice skating with her friend and her family. She had a wonderful evening of skating. The report was that she did a great job and was really fast. Addie of course loved every minute of it. When she got home I had hot chocolate and cookies ready for our drive. We went for a drive around town to look at Christmas lights. The park at the bluff had a light display and the downtown St. Joseph stores where all decorated and lit up. We also went through a few neighborhoods as well. It was fun and helped to remind us that it is the holiday season not just the baby Margaret season! Addie, not surprisingly, fell asleep before we got back home that evening. It was a wonderful two days for everyone.
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