Addie's first school Christmas program was on Monday. And though her class only knew about 2 of the 22 songs they sang, she still had fun. Click on the video clip below to see "Jingle Bells", a song that, by Emily's estimation, Addie practiced about 20 times that day at home. This is our first attempt at video here so bare with us. You may need a Flash plug-in if you don't already have one.
Be sure to watch all the way though to see Addie's 'wink and point' at the end of the song. She did good, especially for being 4, sitting in the front of an hour-long program, and not knowing most of the songs. Addie informed me this evening that she was nervous and didn't know the words, but I told her that she did great.
Also, Addie's old Christmas dress fit her like a glove. Not that it looked bad before, but even Addie was ooo-ing and ahhh-ing over how she looked in it.
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