Monday, December 17, 2007

Emily's New Store

I've taken the plunge and have opened an online store. Since becoming a stay-at-home mom I've been busy in my sewing room making lots of creations to give as gifts and also to sell/trade online. I keep getting more and more requests for items and positive feedback about them. I love creating and feel like I finally have the time to actually make my hobby a little more then a hobby. So far I have just a few items on the site but there will be more to come over the next month or so. The inventory will change so check back often to see what's new. I will also carry some fun vintage items like linens and sewing supplies. If you have any special requests from some of my past projects please let me know and I can look into adding it to the store or doing a custom order.

Please feel free to share the web address of my shop with anyone you know who might be interested in my items. If you would like some business cards to hand out let me know and I will gladly mail them to you!

Thanks for your support and encouragement!

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