Sunday, February 17, 2008

How babies are delivered here in the Great White North

by an ice stork.

Yes, it's ice festival time again here in St. Joe. This entry from the team competition took first place. Auntie Anne came for a visit this weekend. We all had a good time looking at the sculptures, especially when we found a tractor.

Not technically a green one, but it does say "John Deere" on the side. I thought the umbrella was a nice touch. Some were still working on theirs on Saturday.

We also made some great progress in the basement. Besides finishing the painting/sealing on the walls, we also had time to clean up the mess, and arrange the furniture. May actually pass for living space.

Some work left to be done, but this progress feels pretty good. And as if that isn't enough news for one weekend, somebody got a haircut....

More pics on out Flickr page.

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