Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Quick Trip

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. On Sunday my friend Jill had her bridal shower back home in Indiana. Michael and I managed to get some things caught up around the house Saturday morning and then we headed out, dogs and all for a quick trip back home. For a short trip we actually were able to get some quality time with both sets of parents. We enjoyed a nice home cooked meal with my parents and brother on Saturday night. Addie didn't eat much but Uncle Ben is very exciting! At least to 4yr old girls:). We stayed at Michael's parents house over night and then went to church the next morning with them. Of course everyone LOVED seeing baby Margaret and grandma Margaret loved telling them that this is the baby who was named after her. The shower was that afternoon. It was fun and I did enjoy visiting with friends and an old classmate I have not seen since high school.

Sorry but no photos from this weekend. Some how in the hurry to get out the door Saturday the camera was left at home. But don't worry... I'm sure we will be taking more photos soon!

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