Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween Everyone!
I hope that everyone enjoyed the day. Addie was cute as a black cat. They didn't do anything at school for Halloween but at story hour the kids had a Halloween parade around the library before they sat down to read books. The kids where all adorable in their costumes.
Addie was very excited about going trick or treating in the evening. She practiced what to say before hand which as soooo cute! Michael took her while I stayed to hand out candy. Our neighborhood is apx. 80% childless homes with most of them being seniors in their mid 70s or older. With these kind of numbers I was not sure what to expect. Well, Addie and Michael where able to find 6 houses within walking distance which works for a 4 yr old, even if she thought that was not enough. While at home I only had one kid come to the door and it was Addie! So that was a little disappointing. Michael said that one of the ladies had told him that she had 9 kids come by her house and she was located on a busy corner.

After Michael and Addie got back she showed me all her yummy candy. Then we had her put it up and Michael and Addie made popcorn together. They cuddled up in their pjs while they ate popcorn and watched The Great Pumpkin (Charlie Brown) movie. Addie loved every minute of her daddy time and enjoyed a happy low key Halloween.

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