Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Latest Sewing Projects

Our camera is still in the shop but we broke out the video camera to try to take some still photos. It's not the best and the coloring is off but it's better then nothing! I've been a busy bee in my sewing room lately. Here are a few of my latest creations. There are a ton of photos so it might take a couple minutes to load them all!

The baby collection:

30 flannel wipes

20 diaper inserts

6 fitted diapers (2 prefitted diapers not in photo)

1 Reversible Mei Tai

Addie's Christmas Gifts (completed so far):
Bitty babys' PJs

Twirly Dress

Flaired Fleece Hoodie

Christmas Gifts for "Other" Kids:
Hand Puppet Set

Fleece Blanket

I'm currently working on fleece diaper covers, diaper pail liners, wet bag for diapers (diaper bag use), more Christmas presents for Addie, and Christmas stockings.

1 comment:

Amy said...

i love the doll pjs. they are so cute! i just made a dress for my daughter's baby doll and posted about it. i find it difficult to sew tiny clothes! good job!